Wilton Barnhardt - Gospel

Artikel 293 van 294
€ 19,50
Conditieredelijk [1e (blanco) pagina is uit het boek verwijderd]
Aantal pagina`s788
Uitgegeven doorSt. Martin`s Press
Kaftzwarte hardcover met linnen rug
Stofomslagja [stootplekjes aan randen]
Code [intern]ELS


Beschrijving boek

This is the story of a quest: of an eccentric, hard-living old Chicago-Irish professor, O’Hanrahan, and an attractive, eager young student, Lucy Dantan, as they careen and comb through Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and America in search of a lost biblical gospel and their own souls. Fueled by O’Hanrahan’s determination and Lucy’s youth and impetuousness, they ignite a tumultuous chase that has two thousand years of history boiling in its wake.

Gospel is a work of volcanic invention and vitality, combining treasure-hunt, whodunit, intellectual puzzle, history, lore, romance, and seven mortal sins. It is a book that confirms our belief that no other work can do quite what a novel can - film, drama, poetry, and painting can all achieve their effects, but a work like Gospel proves that nothing else provides us the unique and treasurable experience of fiction at its best.

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